
Availability of Chefs 14th November 2019

Head chefs

If paying good money and in a central location such as Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Dundee, Aberdeen and Perth the availability of head chefs is ok, basically, the more central and the larger local population the better availability

What is good money for a head chef? This can vary from a small pub to a large five star or 3AA Rosette Hotel and can be anything from £16 per hour for a one-man job cooking simple food to £45,000 and upwards.

For a standard hotel job, we would suggest in the region £32,000+ with overtime paid pro rata over 45 to 48 hours as sanctioned by management.

Bonus schemes always help and can be based on getting a gross profit margin of over say 65 to 70% and it is always advisable stressing in advance how often the bonus is paid and what the exact criteria are. Other bonuses may be based on increase in sales. Keeping wages ratio down and helping to achieve certain net profits subject to maintaining quality of food, kitchen cleanliness and staff retention.

In more rural Scotland it is harder to get and retain chefs and often accommodation should be offered to attract suitable candidates.

Sous chefs

The availability of sous chefs in rural Scotland is good.

In more central Scotland, there are candidates if paying decent money (i.e. upwards of £28,000 or £13-15 per hour) and offering good working conditions.

In rural Scotland, there can be a need to think outside of the box to retain and attract good sous chef candidates. Its is almost essential that you will need to provide accommodation in rural areas.

Chef de parties

Availability is good in Glasgow, Edinburgh and the central belt.

In rural Scotland with accommodation there are candidates and you will get applicants if wages are decent, suggesting £10 to £12 per hour or a salary of between £22,000 - £25,000.

Commis chefs

There are candidates available centrally or further afield if offering accommodation.

Pastry Chefs: this is quite a specialist position and there can be a couple of specialised pastry chefs looking, not always though.

Enclosed link to minimum wages:

Availability of Relief Chefs changes, and we can advise daily. The rates of pay are £12.50 to £18.50 per hour according to the position.

Anthony Bourdain Auction

It was on June 9th 2018 that the world found out about Anthony Bourdain’s death. Bourdain wrote the famous book Kitchen Confidential which has been read by chefs all over the world. It tells of his time working in kitchens the good the bad and the ugly. He then went on to travel the world and account this on programs like the Layover.
Last month there was an auction of Anthony Bourdain’s belongings which raised nearly 2 million dollars. A portion of the proceeds went to the Anthony Bourdain Legacy Scholarship at The Culinary Institute of America. The auction including about 200 of his belongings from all over the world. One of the items which raised the most money was his custom-made steel knife which was estimated to be worth about $5000 but sold for $231,250 (£181,017) after 55 bids. The other was the chef’s US Navy jacket with his name on it which sold for $171,150.

These astronomical amounts just go to show how well thought of Bourdain by other chefs and hospitality workers all over the world in life and in death. 40% of the proceeds were donated to the culinary institute where Bourdain studied himself.

Christmas traditions

With Christmas just only 6 weeks away the Christmas dinner in our house has already been discussed.

I feel that each families Christmas Day is unique and we all have our own traditions and ways of celebrating.

We have always spent Christmas Eve with a Cheese Board and The National Lampoon Christmas Vacation; produced 10 years before I was even born it has been my favourite since I can remember. It would often not be until around 11pm at night before we got to it as I would be working.

Christmas day always start with a full Scottish breakfast, of course, and tea served from my great grans tea pot - another tradition.

We always have either a Prawn Cocktail or Lentil Soup to start. Followed by the traditional turkey and all the trimmings. Pudding is always a meringue dessert of some sort; either pavlova or a roulade and an option of cheesecake. Christmas pudding in our house has never been an option, thankfully as I'm not a fan. We have always had the same dinner for as long as I can remember and I feel that its a tradition I will continue to pass on.

I always remember one of my friends telling me that her family don't open their presents until after 12, after they have had their traditional cola ice cream floats. Something I always thought was bizarre to have on Christmas Day.

My Aunt actually served up Fillet steaks and all the trimmings last year as none of her kids will eat turkey. Personally couldn't have Christmas Dinner without a turkey roast dinner.

At the end of the day, families will have their own personal traditions that are unique to them.

Out and About Friday 8th November

We currently have 49 chefs out working all over Scotland and North England. We have 10 jobs confirmed so far for the week.

If you are happy to work Christmas and New Year (double time is payable both days) please get in touch to let us know.

There are some relief jobs coming in but it is much quieter which is what we expect for the time of year.

Here are some of the chefs we have out working now:

Gian Devey is back at The Scores Hotel where he has been working for the last few weeks.

Tim Morris is working again at East Haugh in Pitlochry which is close to home for him.

Mario Pohlmann is at The Borve Hotel.

Ally Mcgeachy is working at The Stonefield Castle.

Chris Rush is also close to home and is working at Grantown East in Grantown on Spey.

Ben Mailer and Richard Clark are working in St Andrews at The Rav.

Leon Edgson is working at The Braeval Hotel in Nairn.

David Carroll is at The Craig Manor down in the Lake District.

Ryan Williamson is finishing up at The Inverary Inn.

Steve Lyall is working at the Killiecrankie Hotel in Perthshire.

Thanks to all our chefs for your hard work and continued support 😊

The history of Moffat

Fancy learning some interesting facts on Moffat?

  1. Moffat is famous for having the waterfall ‘The Grey Mairs Tail’ which is the fifth highest waterfall in the Uk. With Loch Skene at the top it is a popular tourist attraction for many groups of walkers and is a lovely picnic spot if us locals fancy getting out of the town on a summers day.
  2. Moffat has the worlds narrowest hotel, The Famous Star Hotel which was previously mentioned in the Guinnes Book Of Records. The hotel is only 20ft wide and 162ft long. Featuring a bar downstairs and 2 eating areas it is a nice stopping point for a bar meal. They are also dog friendly!
  3. The Moffat Ram is a famous tourist attraction and represents the towns connection to the sheep trade. The sheep was unfortunately sculpted with no ears, something that William Brodie never knew about until it was unveiled. He later committed suicide after the burden of this was too much.
  4. Moffat is also famous for its annual Classic Car Rally which takes place at the Moffat Showground. Showcasing vintage cars, it can have up to 900 entries over the two days. It is now into its 21st year and is still as popular as ever.
  5. Let’s not forget about the famous Devils Beef Tub which sits below the Edinburgh Road. The tub is formed by four hills; Great Hill, Peat Knowe, Annanhead Hill and Ericstane Hill. It was used to hide stolen cattle as there was only one way in and out. This can be seen from the Edinburgh Road and is a popular attraction for walkers.
  6. Moffat Toffee Shop is a family run business originally ‘Mrs Blacklocks’ which opened its doors 125 years ago. Moffat Toffee is a definite must when visiting Moffat and you especially need to try their home-made toffee, which is sometimes sweet and sometimes sour. A favourite with the kids!
  7. September also marks the anniversary of Battle of Britain. Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding was one of those responsible for helping to win the battle. He was born here in Moffat and every year there is a service down at Station Park to commemorate his death and the Victory of the Battle.
  8. Up until the year 2018, Moffat held an annual sheep race which was proven to be a popular day out for the family. Unfortunately, due to licensing issues it was cancelled. A similar event was held this year, only participants dressed up as sheep raced rather than sheep themselves.
  9. The Moffat Mill, part of the Edinburgh Woolen mill branch, is a popular destination for bus tours and groups to stop off. With tartan, whiskey and highland dress inside its very popular to do some Christmas shopping.
  10. The Town Hall, now a popular wedding and party venue, was once the towns bath halls. The water was piped down from the famous Moffat Wells which was said to contain ‘healing properties.
  11. And finally, the famous Moffat Chippy. Formerly known at ‘Toosh’s chippy’ which was a family run chippy. Bettina Dawson was the owner and she was always found behind the fryers. The 90-year-old, who was the oldest fryer in the world was awarded the B.E.M medal but unfortunately passed away before getting the chance to meet the Queen at Buckingham palace in the July.